... It's like having your own personal slave robot that relentlessly markets your site or products on Facebook, gaining YOU huge exposure while building YOU lazer targeted leads lists, driving floods of viral traffic and earning YOU cold, hard CASH, all on AUTOPILOT.

Date: March 21. 2014

 Bertus Engelbrecht
Hi there fellow internet marketers,
If you are looking for a quicker, easier and more effective way to market your business on Facebook, you have come to right place and I urge you to read this page very carefully....
There is no denying that Facebook Marketing took the internet marketing world by storm and is here to stay. 
Newbies and experienced internet marketers are all now using Facebook to accelerate their business, on  a daily basis, and many are earning huge profits doing so.
Social traffic is one of the best and most viral types of traffic there is and, of course, Facebook is the biggest social network out there, by far.
If you are not harnessing the awesome power of Facebook Marketing, you are simply leaving too much money on the table.  

Many good and thorough Facebook Courses have shown us how to market our site, how to drive traffic to our offers and how to gain exposure and make bigger profits with Facebook.
There are many proven ways to market your business on Facebook like:
 Searching for people who could be potentially interested in your niche and becoming "friends" with them.
 Posting Status Updates about your business to gain exposure and get more traffic.
 Sending messages or posting on your friends' walls, about your business, to get viral traffic to your links.
 Joining as many Groups as you can that are related to your niche.
 Creating your own Facebook Pages related to your niche and marketing to it.
 Posting messages and joining discussions on these Groups and Pages to get more traffic and exposure.
 And making sure you do this consistently day in and day out to build your business.

This can be a very effective strategy to gain exposure and to market your business on Facebook for bigger profits, but the problem is:
Consistently marketing your business on Facebook is TIME CONSUMING and tedious.

What would you say if I told you that there is an EASIER way?
What if I told you that there is way that ALL THE ABOVE can be done FOR YOU on autopilot while you are busy with other more exciting things or even sleeping?
Well, NOW, there is!
I created an all-in-one Auto Facebook Marketing software solution for you, that can quickly and easily benefit your business for increased profits.

Yes, I created a powerful new software tool that will market and promote your business, websites, products and offers HANDS FREE 
You simply press a few buttons and sit back and watch as the software keeps on doing all your marketing tasks on Facebook on autopilot.  
You can set it and forget it, or go sleep while the software generates you leads and cash day in and day out.

Auto Facebook Marketer
Lets boot this baby up and show you what it can do...


But this is only the tip of the iceberg. Read on...

If you order this WSO today, you get instant membership access to Auto Facebook Marketer and the members area that contains all the following downloads and more: 

"Auto Facebook Marketer" Software

Auto Facebook Marketer - Facebook Marketing Software
You can watch the short video above to have a look at what the software looks like and what it can do, but below are some of the features of this powerful new software tool.

Some of the awesome list building and marketing features and benefits of this software:

 Searches recent status posts of ALL facebook users for specific phrase and capture their IDs in a file. [Target any niche.]
 Use this list of targeted users ID's and MESSAGE them directly with spinnable text.[direct promotion of your offers or invite to your page.]
 Use this list of targeted user ID's and "Friend" them automatically. [build a targeted list of friends that you can promote to]

More features and benefits:

 Searches for and automatically Joins Groups related to a specific keywordphrase/s, countries, citys etc.
 Searches for and automatically Likes Pages related to a specific keywordphrase/s, countries, city's etc.
 Searches for and automatically Friends People related to a specific keyword phrase/s, countries, city's etc.
 Automatically posts any message (can use spin-tax) to all Groups you belong to.[quickly build exposure or promote your links]
 Automatically posts any message (can use spin-tax) to all your Facebook Pages. [Updates your pages with marketing messages ultra quickly and hands free]
 Automatically posts any message (can use spin-tax) on many of your Friends' walls for big exposure and viral traffic as all their friends will see your message as well.

Afraid that Facebook will flag or block your account?
  Can use proxy list with software..  Can set time delays for all messages and requests, so that Facebook doesn't see your activity as spamming.   Can use manual modes as well.

You also get:
Tutorial Videos to show you how to use Auto Facebook Marketer effectively.
Auto Facebook Marketer training videos
This screen capture style Tutorial Video series shows you step-by-step, exactly how each feature of the software works and how to use it effectively to build targeted lead lists, gain exposure, get more traffic and earn BIGGER profits.

You also get:
Auto Facebook Marketer Quick Start Blueprint
Auto Facebook Marketer software

This short, no-fluff, guide will give some quick step-by-step strategies on how you can fully utilize this software to benefit your business.  It gives you some example strategies and campaign ideas to get you started to success.
The Quick Start Blueprint Guide reveals:
*How to create niche-targeted facebook accounts 
*How to find leads that are ready to buy your products
*How to use the Facebook communities effectively for your marketing.
*Most effective methods to market your products on facebook.
*More tips and techniques of how you can harness the power of Auto Facebook Marketer.
* And MORE...

You also gain lifetime access to:
Auto Facebook Marketer Membership
Auto Facebook Marketer Membership
Membership to Auto Facebook Marketer means you have total, lifetime access to the membership area where you can get access to:
*The most updated version of the Auto Facebook Marketer software
*All training videos and additional videos that will be created.
*The quick start blueprint guides and other guides that will be released.
*All upgrades that you purchased.
*Tools and free bonuses
* ...and MORE

And to REALLY stack on the value of this WSO....
FREE "Facebook Fans Stampede" eCourse and Software tools [PLR Included].
Facebook Fans Stampede reveals:

*  How to harness Facebook Ads effectively for FLOODS of fans.
*  How to use Social Media and Social networking sites for more targeted fans.
*  How to use Viral Videos for huge amounts of fans.
*  External websites that you should use to skyrocket your fans and profits.
*  How to use plugins to increase your fans ten fold quickly and easily.
*  How to use Outsourcing sites to dramatically increase your fans for cheap.
*  And many more that are too secret to disclose on this page... 

You also get two FREE software tools with it:
* Facebook Iframe made EZ.
* Facebook Pro

...and you get full PLR to this whole course, which means you can sell it as your own.  You can even sell this on facebook!

You can see that I totally over-delivered on this package.  

I gave you everything you need to start making money with Facebook RIGHT NOW 

Order confidently and RISK FREE!

Decision time, my friend!

Do you want to continue struggling to get more traffic and earn money online or do you want to automate all your facebook marketing tasks for increased EXPOSURE, TRAFFIC and PROFITS?

How much would you be willing to invest in this complete all-in-one Auto Facebook Marketer software solution, with all the tutorial videos, quick start guide, FREE "Facebook Fans Stampede" ecourse with FREE software tools?

You can go search on Google for software tools like mine and you will see that software that do only HALF of what Auto Facebook Marketer can do, can cost you as much as $97.

...But with the true spirit of what WSO's are all about, I am going to release this WSO for a LIMITED time at a VERY SPECIAL price starting at:
ONLY  $27 once off
[for lifetime access]

[UPDATE - LIMITED DISCOUNT, see order button]

Yes, you get lifetime access to the membership area that contains the software download, tutorial videos and other free bonuses and upgrades that you can use to accelerate your business on Facebook.

This offer won't last forever and will only be open for a limited time.  I can take this down any moment.

 "Yes! I want to get my hands on this powerful software tool so that I can put my Facebook marketing efforts on autopilot.

Please give me access to my software, Auto Facebook Marketer, the tutorial videos,  quick start guide and  FREE BONUSES right now."

So let’s get started – time to hit that download button right now!  
Click on "add to cart" below to get INSTANT ACCESS:
For the next 10 orders you get LIFETIME ACCESS for:
(no recurring fees)
Major Credit Cards & PayPal AcceptedINSTANT ACCESS, even if it is 3'O clock in the morning.
Please be sure to click on "RETURN TO MERCHANT" after ordering to 
get INSTANT ACCESS and remember to BOOKMARK your download page.

I will see you on the inside.
Your friend in marketing,
Bertus Engelbrecht

P.S. The Auto Facebook Marketer will only be available at this low priced WSO for a limited time, before I pull it and relaunch it as a high-ticket product on Clickbank, so jump on this now.
P.S.S. REMEMBER:  If you order today, you get full access to the membership area that contains the newest version of the software, tutorial training videos, quick start guide, free ecourses on how to market on facebook and MORE.  I also have a full 30-day money back guarantee, so you have nothing to lose.

This software is created as a marketing tool only and it depends how you use it to benefit fully from it. I don't condone any spamming or mass messaging or illegal use of Facebook's features.   I make no guarantees of specific earnings or results that you can have with this tool.  It all comes down to how you use it and what you use it for.  While I did my best to make this tool safe and easy to use and gave recommendations of how to limit the chances of your accounts getting flagged or blocked by facebook, I take no responsibilities for any damage, flagging or blocking of your accounts or any loss that can result because of that.

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